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compensation_compensation trade

zmhk 2024-06-07
compensation_compensation trade       很高兴能够参与这个compensation问题集合的解答工作。我将根据自己的知识和经验,为每个问题提供准确而有用的回答,并尽量满足大家的需求。1.
compensation_compensation trade



2.补偿差价 英文怎么说


4.indemnification 和compensation 能互换吗

compensation_compensation trade




       例句: He did not have the means to compensate her.他没有钱来补偿她。

       The hospital staff were very apologetic but that couldn't really compensate医院的工作人员深表歉意,但这真的于事无补。

       She used her good looks to compensate her lack of intelligence她利用她漂亮的外表来弥补智力的不足。


       例句: Nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one.失去心爱的人是无法补偿的。

       Her lawyers say she should be compensated for the suffering she had been caused她的律师说她应该为所遭受的痛苦得到赔偿。

       MPs say it is crucial that a system is found to compensate for inflation下议院的议员们说关键是要找到一种抵消通货膨胀影响的机制。

       They compensated my loss of time with money.他们用钱来补偿我的时间损失。

补偿差价 英文怎么说







       compensation price difference 补偿差价


       "Compensation price difference" is used by some retail businesses in some cities in China.



       1、price difference

       英文发音:[pra?s ?d?fr?ns]




       Price difference and discharge are changed, with respect to this bit sufficient already fatten he.






       He received one year's salary as compensation for loss of office




       [词典] price differences; gap between ... prices; disparity; price disparities between;price difference;


       A tax levied on the difference between a commodity's price before taxes and its cost of production.

indemnification 和compensation 能互换吗


       请参考一下一本美国法律词典(Black's Law Dictionary,我查的第8版)上两个词条:

       compensation, n. 1.Remuneration and other benefits received in return for services rendered; esp., salary or wages.

       2. Payment of damages, or any other act that a court orders to be done by a person who has caused injury to another. @ In theory, compensation makes the injured person whole.

       damages, n. pl. Money claimed by, or ordered to be paid to, a person as compensation for loss or injury.




       1、补偿;赔偿 指对他人的损失给予价值相当的货币,或其他等价物,以使受损一方当事人回复其原有状况。

       2、土地补偿金 因公共目的的而致土地被征用或受到破坏性影响,从而给予土地所有人或占有人的价值相当的货币。英国1961年《土地补偿法》[Land Compensation Law]规定土地补偿的一般原则是按土地的市场价值进行赔偿,即将土地在公开市场上自愿出售的卖主所期望实现的土地价值。1973年《土地补偿法》则规定,因使用公用设施所引起的喧嚣、振动、废气、烟气或排放液体,固体物质从而造成土地价值贬损,应予补偿。

       3、(劳灾)补偿;(工人)抚恤金 根据劳工赔偿法[workmen's compensation act],由雇主向受伤雇员发放的款项。该术语在劳工赔偿法中是指根据该法所指定的人员和确定的额度提供的金钱补助,而不是针对不法行为或违反合同依法起诉所获得的补偿性赔偿金。

       4、(工作、劳务)报酬 因提供工作或劳动而获得的回报,可以采用固定工资、费用、佣金或事先规定的其他方式。


       6、(苏格兰)(大陆法)(路易斯安那州法)抵销 双方当事人互为金钱或种类物的债权人和债务人,由于法律规定或双方约定而使各自的债务归于消灭。



       损害赔偿;损害赔偿金;损害赔偿额 源于拉丁文“damnum”,意指一方当事人的行为致另一方当事人的人身、财产或权益受损害,从而由前者向后者支付的用以作为赔偿或补偿的金钱。该词可用于指因侵权行为或违约行为而支付的损害赔偿金。



       n.赔偿,保障; 赔偿物(或赔偿金);



       n.补偿,赔偿; 修正; 补救办法;


